October 15, 2011

Straightened Hand vs. Healed Heart

I recently read two of the most amazing books (and if you know anything about me you know I like to read a lot so that isn't some weak compliment). The Blessed Child and A Man Called Blessed by Ted Dekker and Bill Bright. What makes these books so great in my opinion is that they've encouraged me in my walk with the Lord in such a profound way. Reading these books have made me want to pray more, spend more time with the Lord and has greatly increased in me the desire to be a part of the Lord's work, spreading His glory and truth to every man and woman and child.

There's a line the appears a few times through the book that keeps coming to my mind: "Whoever said a straightened hand is better than a healed heart."

One of my absolute closest friends is pregnant. And from the time her and her husband found out they were expecting their world has been turned upside down. Everything from her job and finances to her health and family has been getting hit. Most recently they discovered an infected blood clot in her leg (brought on by the pregnancy). She is thankfully at home after spending a few days in the hospital. However, she is now giving herself a shot twice a day of blood thinners to prevent more clots from developing.

So naturally, myself and other friends and family members have been praying for her. I quickly found my prayer for her turning into a whine fest. "God why is this happening? Don't you realize everything else she is facing and now this? Seriously Lord can't she have some normalcy?!" (Sadly yes this is how I speak the creator of the universe some times.)

Before I could even continue my rant I felt the Lord impress and remind me: "Whoever said a straightened hand was better than a healed heart". The human spirit can only endure so much and once its reached the edge of itself I believe that's where the Holy Spirit rushes in to give us the strength to keep going. In one fast moment the Holy Spirit could not only touch and heal my friend's body, but He could move on every situation she is facing right now and change it. But a healed heart really is better. I know the Lord is holding her. I have seen Him strengthen her faith to new levels as she has proclaimed the Lord's goodness and power over her and her family's circumstances. I have seen the Lord mold her heart to offer forgiveness and grace to those who are coming against her and her family. And I believe that those things are so much more miraculous and so much more wonderful than the Lord simply removing every hindrance and problem in her path. 

All of that lead me to wonder: Who or what testimonies have encouraged me the most? (Or if you have a weak memory like me: What testimonies do I actually remember?) Are they "God healed me" or "God brought me through it" testimonies? I realized for myself its always the latter. Some times God takes us into a valley or desert to heal our heart and to build up our testimony. Don't get me wrong I like miracles. I like seeing people get healed instantly. I've been healed. There was a boy at our church recently who received back his hearing - it was awesome. A healed body is great but a touched and changed heart is moving.

So the next time you find yourself facing grim circumstances; or for some reason can't figure out why all these unwanted situations keep surfacing in your life take heart and believe that in one nanosecond God can turn all those circumstances around. But a healed heart really is better than a straightened hand. Let God take you into the wilderness to build up your testimony. Trust Him to see you through it because He most certainly will.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

Dekker, Ted and Bill Bright. The Blessed Child. Nashville: West Bow Press, 1984. Print.

What's this? You cited the book in proper MLA formatting? Why yes, yes I did. Being an English major does that to you. Plus now you have all the information you need to get your hands on the first book. You're welcome.